Monday, September 21, 2015

How to copy or paste in the iOS Simulator

There are a few other useful copy/paste-related shortcuts available, so here's a complete(?) list:
  • C – Copies the contents of the iOS clipboard to OS X. This works for both text and images.
  • C – Copies the selected text (or whatever else responds to the copy: selector in your app) to the iOS clipboard. This one does not appear in the menu.
  • C – Copies a screenshot of the iOS app (without the simulator's chrome) to the OS X clipboard (Use S to save it to a file on the Desktop instead).
  • V – Copies the contents of the OS X clipboard over to iOS, but doesn't paste it. Again, this works for both text and images.
  • V – Pastes the OS X clipboard in the iOS app, but leaves the clipboard unchanged. This does not work with images.