Friday, February 5, 2016

[AJAX + PHP] Streaming and Output Buffering

A simple example
Create a file output.php in your webserver’s root directory so that it is accessible from the browser, e.g.http://localhost/output.php. Place the following code in output.php.
  echo "Hello ";
  echo "World!";
Go ahead and access this file in your browser. You will not see any content until five seconds have passed, after which the whole “Hello World!” phrase appears. This is because of output buffering. Instead of sending the response to the browser when the first echo is executed, its contents are buffered. Since buffered content is sent to the browser if either the buffers get full or code execution ends, and sinceHello World! is not enough to occupy more than 4KB of buffer size, the content is sent when code execution ends.
Now run the same example but this time from the console (the command line) with the following statement:
php /path/to/directory/output.php
As soon as you hit enter, you will see the word Hello appear, and after five seconds the word World!will appear, too. This is what “always off in PHP-CLI” meant. Because output buffering is off, the response is sent as soon as each echo is executed.
Now let’s look at output buffering in a bit more detail.


In the last example, we have seen that because of output buffering in PHP, we don’t get a response until PHP’s execution has finished. This is not desirable since we want to send some content to the browser while we are preparing other responses. As we know, the default size of the output buffer in PHP is 4KB so if we want to send a response to the client we have to generate a response in chunks and each chunk must be 4KB in size. Let’s see an example:

8KB chunk example

  $multiplier = 1;
  $size = 1024 * $multiplier;
  for($i = 1; $i <= $size; $i++) {
   echo ".";
  echo "Hello World";
Save the above code in a file in your webserver’s root directory. If you run this example you will see that your browser’s loading indicator didn’t indicate that data is being received until after five seconds. Now, let’s change $multiplier from 1 to 8 and refresh. If there are no specific settings configured, you’ll notice the browser telling us it started to receive some data almost immediately. Not having to wait for five seconds to realize the page has started loading is very good for user experience.
You might be wondering why we have set $multiplier from 1 to 8. The reason behind this is related to the webserver’s buffers. Like we said above, at the first level there is the PHP buffering which we can check via the output_buffering PHP setting. Then, there might be PHP back end (CGI, mod_php, FastCGI) buffering and at the end there might be the webserver’s buffering. Normally, both Nginx and Apache buffer content up to either 4KB or 8KB depending on the operating system being used. Normally, on 64bit operating systems, the limit is 8KB and on 32bit operating systems it is 4KB.
The flow of the above code is as follows, assuming output_buffering in PHP is set to 4KB: in the loop when data up to 4KB has been stored in the PHP buffer due to the echo statement, PHP automatically sends this data to it’s back end (CGI, mod_php, FastCGI). mod_php doesn’t buffer data and sends it straight to Apache. CGI and FastCGI normally buffer data upto 4KB by default (depending on configuration) so when they receive it, their buffers get full too so the data is instantly sent to the webserver. The webserver in turns buffers data too, up to 4KB or 8KB depending on the operating system. Since I’m using a 64bit operating system, the buffering limit on my side is 8KB. The server receives data of 4KB but its buffer size is 8KB so this will not result in a buffer overflow and no output is sent to the browser. When another 4KB is prepared by the PHP loop, the aforementioned procedure is repeated but this time because of the already saved 4KB in the server’s buffer, the coming 4KB will result in buffer overflow, causing it to clear and be sent to the browser.
Now go ahead and place following the code after $size = 1024 * $multiplier;:
$size -= 1;
Refresh, and you will see that this time the browser is not indicating that it has started getting content until five seconds have elapsed. This is because we are iterating the loop to 8KB - 1 times which will not result in a buffer overflow and no data will be sent to browser until after five seconds. Now place the following code before sleep(5);:
echo ".";
Refresh your browser one more time, and you will see that this time the browser is indicating that it has started receiving content without the five second delay. We are iterating the loop to 8KB - 1 times which means that the first 4096 bytes have been pushed towards the server and buffered. When the loop finishes, PHP’s buffers will have 4095 bytes but echo "."; after the loop is helping us fill the buffer with 4096 bytes, resulting in sending the buffer content to upper layers and thus to the browser.
There is one caveat that you should be aware of. PHP’s output_buffering setting has two possible values. One is to indicate whether it is On and the second is it to indicate the maximum size of the buffer. If output_buffering is set to 1, then you might not be able to see your content or browser loading indicator rotating until PHP code execution is finished. This is because having output_buffering on 1means that we have enabled it but haven’t specified a maximum size, so in this case PHP buffers can hold data up to the number in the memory_limit setting.

ob_flush and flush

We are now familiar with the concept of output buffering and streaming in PHP, and we also know how to send responses in chunks to the browser. However, you might be wondering whether or not there is a better way of sending content in chunks. It is just not feasible to generate 8KB chunks just to send data to the client in advance because normal web pages don’t have much content and 8KB is certainly a decent amount of data to be sent in chunks. It’s also not beneficial to send useless data as that will only increase latency. It turns out that there are some built-in methods that we can use to overcome this problem.
ob_flush() and flush are PHP’s built-in methods which are used to send the data to the upper layers. Buffered data is not sent to the upper layers unless the buffers are full or PHP code execution is finished. To send data even when buffers are not full and PHP code execution is not finished we can useob_flush and flush.
Now let’s see an example:
  $multiplier = 1;
  $size = 1024 * $multiplier;
  for($i = 1; $i <= $size; $i++) {
   echo ".";
  echo "Hello World";
In the example above, place the following lines before sleep(5);
Save the file and access it in the browser. As soon as you ask the browser to fetch the web page, you will see that the browser is indicating that it has started to receive content. That’s exactly what we want, because we don’t have to worry about generating content in 8KB chunks and we can easily stream content to the browser without having to wait for the whole content to be generated. You can try different multipliers to get a more solid grip on these concepts.
There are, however, some caveats that you should be aware of. The above code will work fine in Apache with mod_php. It will even work without the for loop. As soon as ob_flush() and flush() are executed, the browser will start indicating that some content is coming. However, ob_flush() andflush() might not work with Nginx out of the box because of the way Nginx processes requests. In order for ob_flush and flush to work seamlessly in Nginx you can use following configuration:
fastcgi_buffer_size   1k;                              
 fastcgi_buffers       128 1k;  # up to 1k + 128 * 1k
 fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0;
 gzip off;
You can find out more about this in this post.

Streaming with Ajax

Now that we have seen how to send content in chunks in a standard HTTP request / response cycle, let’s see how to do the same for Ajax requests. Ajax requests are a nice and elegant way of getting data without reloading the full page. We associate a callback with an Ajax request and that callback gets executed once all content is received. This means that we cannot stream content in Ajax requests. Luckily, we have XMLHTTPRequest 2, which is the next version of the Ajax API and supported in the latest browsers. This new version has a lot of cool features such as cross-origin requests, uploading progress events and support for uploading / downloading binary data. Progress events are used to tell the user how much data we have uploaded, and we can also get downloaded data in chunks. Let’s see an example:
Create an HTML file with the following code:
         <title>Ajax Streaming Test</title>
         <center><a href="#" id="test">Test Ajax Streaming</a></center>
         <script type="text/javascript">
           document.getElementById('test').onclick = function() {
             xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
   "GET", "response.php", true);
             xhr.onprogress = function(e) {
             xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
               if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
                 console.log("Complete = " + xhr.responseText);
Now load this file in browser and click the link. An Ajax request is initiated to fetch data fromresponse.php and we are listening to the onprogress event. Whenever a new chunk arrives, we output it in an alert.
Now put the following code in response.php and save it in the same folder, relative to the above HTML file.
<?php for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++): ?>
   <?php sleep(1); ?>
   Count = <?php echo "$i\n"; ?>
   <?php ob_flush(); flush(); ?>
 <?php endfor; ?>
As you can see, we run a loop ten times, pausing for one second on each run and then echoing some content. This content gets sent to the upper layers with the flushes. Now go ahead and click onTest Ajax Streaming. If all goes well, you’ll notice Count = 1 getting displayed in an alert. When you dismiss the alert, you’ll see another alert with Count = 1 \n Count = 2. When you dismiss that one, you’ll see Count = 1 \n Count = 2 \n Count = 3 in another alert, and so on until 10. When the entire Ajax request is successfully completed, you will see the complete output in the console. We have just implemented streaming in Ajax requests and we can easily update our interface accordingly, giving end-users an outstanding experience.